NOTE: This LIVE class starts on TONIGHT at 8:00 PM EST (Spots are filling up quickly!)

Attention: Voice over artists. Until Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST, you have a unique opportunity to tap into an untapped marketing channel most voice over artists have never heard of. This is your opportunity to get…

Voice Over Prospects Eager, Excited, And Ready To Hire You!

 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)

Applying this ONE marketing channel in your voice over business quickly increases the number of people who are excited, eager, and ready to hire you for their next voice over project FAST!

Best of all, this marketing channel is FREE!

Picture this…

Opening your inbox and seeing all the new email inquiries flooding in requesting more about your voice over services.

You look at your calendar and determine dates and times you can start on these new voice over projects.

Now that you’ve tapped into this ONE marketing channel, you’re finding that…

People consistently contact you about your voice over services without you chasing them.


  • Worrying when the next voice over project will happen.

  • Worrying about where you’re going to get voice over clients from.

  • Worrying about paying the bills and growing your business.

By simply adding this untapped marketing channel into your voice over business, everything can change for you fast.

The possibilities are endless…

Go from a trickle of voice over prospects to a flood of them.

Have complete control over your lead and prospect flow, so when you’re neck deep in voice over projects, you can pause your lead flow.

Once you’re ready to take on more voice over work, you simply go back to this one marketing channel and turn it on.

And, like I said earlier, this type of marketing traffic is FREE!

Now, the beauty of this one marketing channel, when you use it correctly, is like having an endless supply of fresh, clean water to drink.

When you’re thirsty, you pull the lever, and water flows into your class.

Same thing with this one marketing channel…

You do a few simple things and before you know it, people are reaching out to you eager, excited, and ready to hire you for their next voice over project.

Now, you might be wondering what this marketing channel is about.

It’s called…

Earned Media!

You’ll see how voice over artists just like you can use this until Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST

Bill DeWees

Top Voice Over Professional

Creator of the Voice Over Blueprint™

RE: NEW Virtual training - Media Mastery for Voice Over Artists, open until Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST
Today's Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dear Voice Over Artist!

Hey, it’s Bill DeWees.

I’m excited about our NEW training because we’re exploring the untapped marketing channel of Earned Media for voice over artists.

I’ll explain why only 100 people in just a moment.

Just know…

It’s a special 90-minute online event I’m calling...

This area of marketing can light your voice over business up pretty quickly, when you know how to use it.

Now, you might be wondering…

What is Earned Media?

Great question…

Earned media, also known as free media or publicity, is any press coverage or media that is generated organically without a company directly paying for it.

It can include mentions in traditional media, social media shares, reviews, ratings, and online discussions.

Earned media is what happens when a person or organization is spoken of by a third party, with no payment changing hands.

Examples include mentions in traditional media, guest appearances on television shows, or an opinion piece in a periodical.

The great thing about this type of marketing is that you set the frame for how you want the world to see you.

The majority of people using “Earned Media” do not fully understand it’s power and how it can radically change your business forever.

Let’s give you a quick example…

I never had any intention of becoming a voice over coach.

One day, a local paper picked up a story about me recording voice overs in my bedroom closet.

They came in, took a picture, and wrote up a story about me.

Before long, I started getting emails and phone calls from people nationwide.

People kept contacting me, asking for help.

Earned media was how I launched my training company.

Yes, it’s that powerful!

The nice thing is you control the flow of your inquiries.

When you’re busy with voice over work, you slow down your earned media marketing.

When you’re ready to make more money and take on more voice over projects, you ramp up your earned media marketing.

Now, because this is ONE marketing channel you must have in your voice over business, I’ve got you covered.

I’m bringing you one of the top people in the “earned media” industry who will help you ramp up your voice over business revenue using earned media.


Top Earned Media Professional Burke Allen!

Rob Reider

Burke Allen

Top Earned Media Professional

Let me quickly tell you a little about Burke Allen.

Burke Allen brings decades of media, marketing, public relations, broadcast and entertainment industry experience to his clients.

His background includes successful stints as a radio and TV host, writer, top-rated morning show personality, radio station owner and programmer, broadcast consultant, voice over talent, podcaster and media trainer/educator.

I’ll explain why only 100 people in just a moment.

Just know…

It’s a special 90-minute online event I’m calling...

Burke’s Washington, DC-based management firm Allen Media Strategies provides…

high impact representation and guidance for:

  • National and international touring musicians

  • Members of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame groups

  • Tony-nominated Broadway talent

  • Reality TV personalities

  • New York Times best-selling authors

  • Award-winning publishers

  • Motion picture

  • Network television and streaming platform talent

  • Subject matter experts

  • Government agencies, political campaigns, and candidates

  • Non-profit groups

  • Corporations

And many others.

Burke has overseen hundreds of concert, television, and radio media tours, personal appearances, satellite media tours, print and online campaigns, news releases, and more.

Burke has paved the way for you to plug in and grow your voice over business using earned media!

His clients have landed massive exposure on every major television and radio network and cable outlet, as well as hundreds of leading print and online outlets.

In this new 90-minute masterclass for voice over artists, Burke shares his top ten principles for growing your voice over business using earned media!

You’re NOT going to want to miss this training, whether you’re brand new to voice over or you’re a grizzled veteran.

It's only available until Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST

We’re calling this special training…

Earned Media Mastery!

Top 10 Principles For Growing Your Voice Over Business Using Earned Media!

In this training…

You’ll discover everything you need to start using “Earned Media” to increase your leads, prospects, and voice over jobs fast.

Here’s what Burke will cover in this 90-minute training…

  • How you can start generating massive media exposure for your voice over business for FREE!

  • Understanding Earned Media and why PR should be a key part of your voice over marketing.

  • Discover who to pitch and how to pitch them when it comes to generating free media exposure.

  • How to capitalize on current trends so you start getting an influx of people eager to hire you for their next voice over job.

  • A simple and easy system for you to know exactly how to spot opportunities in the marketplace for more voice over work.

  • How to build relationships with the right people in the earned media space.

  • The insider strategy on developing and maintaining a contact database that produces results.

  • Getting started using earned media even if you’re brand new to voice over and haven’t got your first job yet.

  • How to handle all the media which is coming your way, so you don’t get overwhelmed.

  • Becoming an engaged listener and what you need to know.

  • Understanding “Bridgining Language” so you know when and how to use it, to stand out as the top voice over pro.

  • How to create a clear path for the consumer so they can easily find, research and hire you.

  • The secret to following up with people and building long-term and profitable relationships.

  • How to brand yourself as the “voice over expert” in your market, and why this matters for your success.

  • 10 sure-fire topics to generate extensive media exposure for your voice over business immediately.

Plus, much more.

Now, because this is an exclusive training, there’s…

Only Open Until Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST!

Having the opportunity to ask Burke Allen questions on earned media as it relates to your voice over business is priceless.

Here’s the thing…

Once you add “Earned Media” as another marketing channel, you’re voice over business will never be the same again.

Now is your time.

You won’t want to miss this training.

It's 90 minutes, and it's only available until…

Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST

Now, you might be wondering…

What’s the price to attend this training?

When we release the recordings to the general voice over public in a few months, the retail price will be $499.00.

Because you’re my valued subscriber, you’ll always get the best deal first.

So, if you grab this before Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST, your price is only $297!

Plus, when you grab your spot now, you’re also getting…

BONUS #1: Special Bonus Training (a $147.00 value.)

How To Generate Radio and Streaming Audio Voice Over Leads FAST!

In this training, you’ll see exactly how to generate radio and streaming audio voice over leads for your business quickly.

We’ll cover:

  • What broadcasters are looking for as ’station voices’ and how they find them.

  • How to pitch yourself to do local commercial work for stations and their web properties.

  • Who the broadcasting gatekeepers are at the local, regional and national level, and how to get past them.

Plus, much more.

This training is a $147.00 value, and it’s yours FREE when you get this before Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST.

Wait, there’s still more…

You’re also getting a second bonus when you act immediately.

It’s called…

BONUS #2: Special Bonus Training (a $147.00 value.)

How To Build A Media Pitch For Voice Over Artists!

In this training you’ll see exactly how we would build a media pitch for voice over talent.

Burke will pick one of our attendees and walk them through a complete coaching and brainstorming session with his team on camera.

We’ll then record the entire training session and share it with you so you can learn from it and customize it to your own voice over market.

You’ll discover:

  • How to write a pitch that will increase your chance of having it read, which means exposure for your voice over business.

  • How to build a media list; who and how to go after free coverage, so you’re always getting your voice over business noticed by people who are looking to hire voice over artists.

  • How to maximize your media exposure far beyond the one broadcast hit. This way, you’re consistently driving traffic and building your voice over business brand.

Plus, much more.

This second bonus training is a $147.00 value, and it’s yours FREE when you grab this before Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST.

So, let’s get you started because…

 There are only 100 spots available!

We’re only accepting 100 attendees because I’ll be doing a questions and answers section at the end of this training.

This way, I can personally answer any questions regarding the training.

Now, you can walk away knowing the next steps to take in your voice-over business.

So you can make 2023 your best year in your voice-over business.


Offer Only Good Until...

Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST

Here’s a quick recap of everything you’re getting…

Earned Media Mastery for Voice Over Artists Training! (a $499.00 value.)

30 minutes Q&A session (a $197.00 value.)

Special Bonus #1: How To Generate Radio And Streaming Audio Voice Over Leads FAST! (a $147.00 value.)

Special Bonus #2: How To Build A Media Pitch For Voice Over Artists! (a $147.00 value.)

A total value of $990.00

You’re getting over 70% OFF this special offer at only $297!

Grabbing this offer right now SAVES YOU $693.00

Again, this offer ends on Friday, August 30th, at Midnight PST, so to start using earned media in your voice over business, now is the time to get it.

Simply enter your information below in our safe and secure order form.

Fill in the form below to start…

#3: Recording of the entire Launch Accelerator™ event (a $499.00 value.)

 YES Bill! - I'm eager, excited, and ready to start using earned media to drive a consistent flow of highly qualified prospect to my voice over business daily!

Billing Information
No products available


Here's what you're getting instant access to...

 #1: Earned Media Mastery for Voice Over Artists!  (a $499.00 value.)

 #2: 30 minutes Q&A session (a $197.00 value.)

 #3: Special Bonus #1: How To Generate Radio And Streaming Audio Voice Over Leads FAST! (a $147.00 value.)

 #4: Special Bonus #2: How To Build A Media Pitch For Voice Over Artists! (a $147.00 value.)

 FAST START Bonus: Multiple Six-Figure Voice-Over Workshop™ (a $997.00 value!)

This is a total value of $990.00

Retail price: $499.00

Your Right Now Price is...

Or, SAVE $200 MORE for...

Only $297!

This Offer is Good Until...

 Safe & Secure

This page is encrypted with the latest SSL technology so your information is 100% safe and secure.

 Business Hours

Monday - Friday 

9:00am - 6:00pm CST.

 Need Help Ordering?

If you would like help ordering please contact us at training @

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