NOTE: This LIVE class starts on TONIGHT at 8:00 PM EST (Spots are filling up quickly!)

Attention: Soon-to-be voice over pros. You have until Friday, August 2nd at midnight PST, the unique opportunity to discover how to…

Become a LIVE Announcer!

 Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! (Please Wait For Video To Fully Load)

Whether you’re new to voice over, unsure about your voice, or terrified of talking in front of people, you can become a live announcer quickly.

Here’s how voice over artists are adding ‘live announcing’ as another revenue stream to increase clients, revenue, and stability.

It’s all possible using the Reider Method™!


Working less than half the year and making a full-time income in your voice over business.

These are the possibilities when adding “LIVE ANNOUNCING” to your voice over skillset.

You have the opportunity to get paid for traveling all over the world, wherever your next live event takes you.

Or, you can stay in your local area doing live announcing because this is a…

Massive Opportunity for Voice Over Artists.

Best of all…

You’re getting a masterclass on becoming a live announcer from one of the top people in this area of voice over.

And if you think you have to have a deep “announcer type” voice for one minute, you’d be WRONG!

Today is a new day in voice over my friend.

People want to hear believable people, not cheesy, deep-voiced announcer types.

So, if you want to add another voice over revenue channel to your business doing LIVE ANNOUNCING, please read every word on this page.

The beauty of being a live announcer is that you get to…

Start Entertaining, Informing, and Inspiring People!

You’ll have until Friday, August 2nd at midnight PST.

Bill DeWees

Top Voice Over Professional

Creator of the Voice Over Blueprint™

RE: Becoming a Live Announcer training is available until Friday, August 2nd at midnight PST
Today's Date: Monday, September 16, 2024

Dear Soon-to-be Live Announcer!

Hey, it’s Bill DeWees.

It’s that time again when we have another training for you.

My goal is to help you make money in voice over to achieve the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

I’ll explain why only 100 people in just a moment.

Just know…

It’s a special 90-minute online event I’m calling...

The way to do this is by adding more revenue channels to your voice over business.

The more revenue channels you have in your voice over business…

  • The more money you make

  • The more stable your business becomes

  • The more time and freedom you have with your loved ones

This month, we’re talking about LIVE ANNOUNCING.

This is a great skill set to add to your voice over business because it can be done anywhere.

Once you’ve mastered the skill set of live announcing, you can do it full-time or part-time; it’s up to you.

The gentleman I’m bringing in to teach this month's masterclass on live announcing has been doing this for decades.

He’s a voice over professional and live event announcer.


Rob Reider - Voice Over Artist & Live Event Announcer!

Rob Reider

Rob Reider

Top Voice Over Professional

Here’s what makes the Reider Method™ for live announcing different and works so well.

Rob has been doing this for a long time.

He started by being a VOLUNTEER at the Dayton Air Fair in 1979.

He just loved being around the airplanes.

In 1982, he was asked to announce the early morning balloon launch at Dayton.

Rob knew nothing about hot-air ballooning, so he researched and asked questions.

I’ll explain why only 100 people in just a moment.

Just know…

It’s a special 90-minute online event I’m calling...

As time passed, he began to pick up a few very small shows in Ohio and joined the International Council of Air Shows (ICAS) in 1995.

It wasn’t until 2006 that Rob decided to “chase” the air show business “full-time.”

Rob told me…

“It’s been a most gratifying voice over career.”

In 2007, Rob received the International Council of Air Shows “Sword of Excellence.”

The highest award an air show professional can receive.

Live announcing of air shows has taken Rob Rider all over the country and as far away as Japan.

The Reider Method™ comes from decades of in-the-trenches experience in voicing live events.

Rob knows what works.

And he’s revealing it all to you in a NEW Masterclass which you can get…

Until Friday, August 2nd at midnight PST

So, if you’d like to add another revenue channel with LIVE Announcing, whether for local events in your area or live events all over the country.

You’re not going to want to miss this opportunity.

Introducing our new training…

Rob Reider’s LIVE Announcing Masterclass!

In this training…

You’ll discover everything you need to know to seize this massive opportunity in LIVE ANNOUNCING.

Here’s what Rob and I will cover in this 90-minute training…

  • How to do live announcing for sports teams, including college, minor league baseball, soccer, and major league sports teams.

  • Tapping into live announcing for fashion shows, corporate events, fund-raisers, festivals, auto-sports, and boxing.

  • The insider secret to live event announcing so you sound like a total professional, regardless of how deep your voice is.

  • Voice techniques for live announcing, which transforms ordinary voice over artists into live announcers almost overnight.

  • How to harness the power of your energy so you can effortlessly control your voice tone, range, and pitch when doing live announcing.

  • What strategies should you deploy when the PA (public announcement) system is not up to par with what you’re used to using? These live announcing voice strategies will change the game for you, regardless of the PA system.

  • The key to knowing your audience and connecting with them during the live event so you’re consistently in control of the crowd.

  • What you must know about your subject matter to bring to life the event organizer's vision.

  • Warning: Do not attempt to make outdoor event announcements without first knowing these few things. They will make all the difference in whether you’re hired again.

  • My quick technique for knowing the names of players, sponsors, VIPs, and technical terms. Using this strategy makes you look like a voice over pro, even if you learned it a few minutes ago.

  • Microphone techniques and what you must know in order to have the sound of your voice dialed in, optimized, and ready to be heard for the event.

  • What to do if something goes wrong durning a live event. Knowing how to handle this and the crowd will make you the go-to voice over artist for event organizers.

  • How to find and book live announcing voice over jobs quickly. Here, Rob will share several ways you can immediately tap into live announcing jobs.

Plus, much more.

Now, because this is an exclusive training, it's only available …

Until Friday, August 2nd at midnight PST

You start booking LIVE ANNOUNCING gigs right away.

Now is your time.

You won’t want to miss this training.

It's 90 minutes, and you can only get access…

Until Friday, August 2nd at midnight PST

Now, you might be wondering…

What’s the price to attend this training?

When we release the recordings to the general voice over public in a few months, the retail price will be $499.00.

Because you’re my valued subscriber, you’ll always get the best deal first.

So your price is only $297!

Plus, when you grab your spot now, you’re also getting…

BONUS #1: Special Bonus Training (a $147.00 value.)

Behind-The-Scenes: Live Event

(An Aviation Hall of Fame Induction dinner)

In this training, you’ll see behind-the-scenes footage of an actual live event.

  • What Rob does to prepare for a live event so he’s prepped and ready to go.

  • How Rob gets his voice ready for the live event and keeps it going throughout the event.

  • Get your mindset and body ready to connect with people during the live event.

Plus, much more.

This training is a $147.00 value, and it’s yours FREE when you grab this today.

Wait, there’s still more…

You’re also getting a second bonus when you act immediately.

It’s called…

BONUS #2: Special Bonus Training (a $147.00 value.)

On-Site: At An Air Show

(What happens when the show gets underway.)

In this training, we’ll examine what happens when a live event (such as an Air Show) is underway.

You’ll discover:

  • What Rob does to start the show so he gets people’s attention and ready for the live event.

  • How Rob builds the crowd's energy durning the live event, entertaining, informing, and inspiring people.

  • What happens at the end of the live event and how you move people to the next step is critical. Here, Rob shows you how it’s done like a pro!

Plus, much more.

This second bonus training is a $147.00 value, and it’s yours FREE when you buy this today.

So, let’s get you started because…

 There are only 100 spots available!

We’re only accepting 100 attendees because I’ll be doing a questions and answers section at the end of this training.

This way, I can personally answer any questions regarding the training.

Now, you can walk away knowing the next steps to take in your voice-over business.

So you can make 2023 your best year in your voice-over business.


This Offer Ends On Friday, August 2nd at midnight PST

Here’s a quick recap of everything you’re getting…

Rob Reider’s Live Announcing Masterclass Recordings (a $499.00 value.)

30 minutes Q&A session (a $197.00 value.)

Special Bonus #1: Behind-The-Scenes: Live Event (a $147.00 value.)

Special Bonus #2: On-Site: At An Air Show (a $147.00 value.)

The today value is: $990.00

You’re getting over 70% OFF this special offer at only $297!

Grabbing this offer right now SAVES YOU $693.00

Make the decision right now to add a new skill set and revenue stream of LIVE ANNOUNCING to your voice over business.

Get instant access to this training is EASY…

Simply enter your information below in our safe and secure order form.

Fill in the form below to start…

#3: Recording of the entire Launch Accelerator™ event (a $499.00 value.)

 YES Bill! - I'm eager, excited, and ready to add this other revenue stream of live announcing to my voice over business!

Billing Information
No products available


Here's what you're getting instant access to...

 #1: Rob Reider’s Live Announcing Masterclass for Voice Over Artists! Recording  (a $499.00 value.)

 #2: 30 minutes Q&A session (a $197.00 value.)

 #3: Special Bonus #1: Behind-The-Scenes: Live Event (a $147.00 value.)

 #4: Special Bonus #2: On-Site: At An Air Show (a $147.00 value.)

 FAST START Bonus: Multiple Six-Figure Voice-Over Workshop™ (a $997.00 value!)

This is a total value of $990.00

Retail price: $499.00

Your Right Now Price is...

Or, SAVE $200 MORE for...

Only $297!

This Offer is Good Until...

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 Business Hours

Monday - Friday 

9:00am - 6:00pm CST.

 Need Help Ordering?

If you would like help ordering please contact us at training @

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