Free (Unlimited) Voice Over Marketing

Free (Unlimited) Voice Over Marketing

August 26, 20241 min read

Ever heard of the "Oprah Effect"?

When Opray Winfrey has a guest on her program it can immediately change the trajectory of their life.

Why? . . .

Because having exposure on a credible platform immediately gives you immediate credibility!

The good news is that you don't have to go on Oprah to get great (and free) exposure! Newspapers, magazines, podcasts, and websites are always looking for interesting stories and people. When you learn this simple process, you've just added a powerful weapon to your voice over marketing arsenal!

The Guru of publicity and "earned media" is Burke Allen. He is going to teach you how he gets his clients (musicians, authors, celebrities, etc.) massive exposure through various media outlets. And the best part . . . this kind of marketing costs you nothing but your time and effort. But the key to all of this is understanding the strategies to easily earn this kind of exposure.

Burke has agreed to teach you the same strategies he uses to get his clients in front of thousands (and millions) of eyes and ears.

The special live virtual training event training event is tomorrow, August 27 at 7pm CT. And if you can't be there live, no worries, as the videos will be available for you to watch whenever (and for however many times) you'd like.

As always, only 100 spots are available to allow for more interaction with our guest instructor. Get all the details now at


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Bill DeWees

Bill DeWees - Voice Over Professional.

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